Companies have an obligation to their employees to make a safe work environment. One way this can be done is by reducing discrimination. Unfortunately, many employees come into jobs with biases and prejudices that are not immediately apparent. As a result, discrimination isn’t easy to combat.
It can be frustrating for companies when an employee is reported for discriminatory actions. If the issue isn’t resolved, then the victim could take legal action against their employers. Here are a few things to do when an allegation of discrimination is made by one of your employees:
Review company policies for the correct action
Companies should have policies that detail what kind of discriminatory behaviors are prohibited in the workplace. These policies should also give clear guidelines about what to do when an employee is reported for discriminatory actions.
For starters, this may mean making an investigation into the discrimination claim. If it turns out the incident wasn’t a misunderstanding, then the company may have to discipline the wrongdoer, such as giving a warning or suspending the employee. Following a company policy can make it easier to treat everybody fairly – including the accused.
Train employees to respond to discrimination
Companies may have all of their employees undergo training to prevent discrimination. This training may be used to make employees aware of their own discriminatory biases – and it can help others know how to recognize discrimination and stop it.
This training can also be used to make employees aware of their right to report discrimination and your company’s anti-discrimination stance.
A discrimination-tolerant workplace is unsafe for minorities. Companies that don’t respond to discriminatory actions could face legal claims from victims. It may help companies to understand what they should do to help ensure their workplace is diverse and discrimination-free.